Saturday, December 28, 2019

Racial Prejudice And Social Expectations - 976 Words

Nowadays in America, people of all races fight for equality. This wasn’t always the case, and to showcase the problems with racism in the 1960, Tate Taylor produced The Help. The film is set in a racist town, Jackson, Mississippi, during the civil rights movement. A southern white woman by the name of Eugenia â€Å"Skeeter† Phelan returns from college, determined to become a successful writer. Skeeter decides to do something in hopes of achieving her dream. Along the way, she is determined to take away the hatred towards the black community. She decides to interview and write a book detailing the black women who have spent the majority of their lives working for proper, southern white families. The first maid to open up is Aibileen Clark, and soon, more women want their voices to be heard as well. Along the way, their lives are changed dramatically. Taylor’s film The Help portrays racial prejudice and social expectations in the 1960’s through the character s, Skeeter Phelan, Hilly Holbrook, and Aibileen Clark as they go through hardships. To begin, we are introduced to Skeeter, who is a twenty- three year-old, privileged white woman and is involved in a circle of high-society ladies. Skeeter comes home from college and becomes alienated from the community of privileged, southern white women who instead of finishing their college careers all dropped out to have babies. Her mother wishes for Skeeter to become a proper woman, but instead pursues her writing dream and fails atShow MoreRelatedRacial Prejudice And Racism And Prejudice Essay1193 Words   |  5 PagesSocietal expectations are certain standards that one should abide by in their lifetime to be considered to fit the characteristics specific to certain groups. 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